Asteroid Mining-Moon Mining-Rocket-Propulsion System-Satellites-Defense-Space-Earth
Asteroid Mining-Moon Mining-Rocket-Propulsion System-Satellites-Defense-Space-Earth
Hadarou Sare is a research scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center working with the Solar System Exploration Division and the Mechanical System division. He is the recipient of multiple awards including the TIMES Magazine Most Influential Business Leaders, the Top 10 Innovators and Inventors in Aerospace and Defense (by Aerospace an
Hadarou Sare is a research scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center working with the Solar System Exploration Division and the Mechanical System division. He is the recipient of multiple awards including the TIMES Magazine Most Influential Business Leaders, the Top 10 Innovators and Inventors in Aerospace and Defense (by Aerospace and Defense Review Magazine), the Top 100 Innovators and Inventors (by Top 100 Magazine), the Top 30 Global Leaders (by Global Leaders Magazine), the Top 30 Innovators (by the Silicon Review Magazine), the Top 10 Most Admired Leaders (by Exelon Magazine), the Top 10 Most Inspiring Leaders (by CXO Outlook(R) Magazine), the Top 25 Innovators (by the Chief's Digest Publication),...He works with NASA to select the best landing site on Mars for the MARS 2020 Rover Mission. He designed 3 innovative small satellites and is currently developing a new reusable and affordable launch system and a robotic spacecraft for in-space asteroid mining as well as innovative rovers for mining on the Moon and on Mars. He used remote sensing and GIS techniques to detect water and biomarkers on Mars with his team at NASA.
GIS & Data Analyst Contractor
Spacecraft Board Design Team
Spacecraft Structures Team
Spacecraft Simulation, Analysis & Development Team
Spacecraft Integration & Testing Team
Spacecraft Ground Segment and Operations Team
Spacecraft Attitude Determination & Mission Control Team
Spacecraft Science Team
Flight Software Engineering Team
Communication Team
Command and Data Handling
Spacecraft Board Design Team
Spacecraft Structures Team
Spacecraft Simulation, Analysis & Development Team
Spacecraft Integration & Testing Team
Spacecraft Ground Segment and Operations Team
Spacecraft Attitude Determination & Mission Control Team
Spacecraft Science Team
Flight Software Engineering Team
Communication Team
Command and Data Handling Team
Spacecraft Power & Thermal & Electrical Systems team
SpaceTIS is engaged in a collaboration/partnership with several people at Florida Space Institute (FSI) and at the University of Central Florida (UCF). This collaboration has started with Dr. Julie Brisset.
Dr. Julie Brisset reviews the feasibility of SpaceTIS' spacecrafts. She has reviewed the feasibility of our small satellite able to ex
SpaceTIS is engaged in a collaboration/partnership with several people at Florida Space Institute (FSI) and at the University of Central Florida (UCF). This collaboration has started with Dr. Julie Brisset.
Dr. Julie Brisset reviews the feasibility of SpaceTIS' spacecrafts. She has reviewed the feasibility of our small satellite able to explore asteroids' valuable resources for future mining, space objects detection to mitigate future risks of impact.
25 people working at NASA (Engineers and Scientists) are some of the greatest assets for SpaceTIS because their ideas shape our technologies. In addition to those people, SpaceTIS is also working with professors, researchers, scientists, and Engineers at US universities.
Managing director of SpaceTIS-Lux
Director for Strategic Investment Development
Director of Business Expansion and Customer Relations
Chief Technology Officer
Propulsion System Manufacturing Engineer
Chief Financial Officer
Lead engineer, inventor & technologist
Deputy managing director
Partners and support; R&D of space technologies partner and programs director, Lead partnership manager
Managing director for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and the Middle East
Aerospace project Manager-Deputy Director for Strategic Partnerships
Chief Financial Officer
IT and project manager
Partners and support
Lead engineer, inventor & technologist
Principal Investigator and lead scientist
Managing director for the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Principal Scientist & Data Systems Engineer Lead
Deputy Managing Director & CFO
Dir. for Business Expansion & Customer Relations
COO & Dir. for Strategic Partnership
IT manager
Partners and collaborators; R&D of space technologies partner and programs director, Lead partnership manager
Lead engineer, inventor & technologist
Principal Investigator and lead scientist
Director for Strategic Investment Development
Director of the Strategic Space Application
Board Member
Chairman, Deputy Director for Africa & Nigeria
Head of Satellites Technologies Development Group
Assistant Director
Head of Satellites Transport & Propulsion Group
Assistant Chief Scientist Officer and Secretary
Head of Strategic Space Application Group
Chief Engineer
Head of Advanced Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology Group (UAV Group)
Assistant Director
Head of Engineering & Space System Group
Lead engineer, inventor & technologist
Director and Lead for Ground and Space Based Radio Instruments Development
Managing director for India & Asia
Space Medicine and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Division-Medical Engineer
Space Medicine and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Division-Medical Engineer
Space Medicine and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Division-Biomedical Engineer
Space Medicine and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Division-Biomedical Engineer
CEO & Director for launch System Development Division (Division LSD)
Lead engineer, inventor & technologist for SpaceTIS's launch system Applications (space tourism, launch of astronauts and satellites in space)
SpaceTIS's Engineers at other SpaceTIS entities, especially those in the USA
Partners and collaborators
(To be updated soon: include ISRO, PRL, DRDO, DIPAS,...)
Dir. for Business Expansion & Partnerships
Lead Partner for Arusha Technical College
Lead Partner for Nelson Mandela African Institute for Science and Technology
Lead engineer, Inventor & Technologist
Current Managing director for SpaceTIS-East Africa
12 Engineers, Scientists, and Business Team members