Asteroid Mining-Moon Mining-Rocket-Propulsion System-Satellites-Defense-Space-Earth
Asteroid Mining-Moon Mining-Rocket-Propulsion System-Satellites-Defense-Space-Earth
With partners, we design and build small spacecrafts and instruments for the US Army, NASA, Universities, public and private space agencies and institutes, foreign countries
With Florida Space Institute, we design and build small spacecrafts to look for asteroids containing water, numerous metals including: iron, nickel, cobalt and more valuable metals such as gold, platinum, rhodium...
We are developing a new affordable and reusable launch system with researchers at US universities to deliver payload in LEO and GEO, for Moon and Asteroids exploration, for Deep space missions. Our technology is using only water as propellant in addition to a new technology for lift off of the rockets making it the most affordable and saf
We are developing a new affordable and reusable launch system with researchers at US universities to deliver payload in LEO and GEO, for Moon and Asteroids exploration, for Deep space missions. Our technology is using only water as propellant in addition to a new technology for lift off of the rockets making it the most affordable and safe rockets ever. Our propulsion system will also be faster than ion propulsion and efficient than chemical propulsion since more than 5x less propellant is needed to deliver payloads to their target orbits.
With NASA, we are developing a robotic spacecraft and an in-space processing center to mine water, iron, nickel and precious metals (gold, platinum,...) from asteroids. Our spacecraft, by capturing asteroid can also allow the distillation (using a solar concentrator) of tens of tonnes of water at much lower cost that can be easily recover
With NASA, we are developing a robotic spacecraft and an in-space processing center to mine water, iron, nickel and precious metals (gold, platinum,...) from asteroids. Our spacecraft, by capturing asteroid can also allow the distillation (using a solar concentrator) of tens of tonnes of water at much lower cost that can be easily recovered in our in-space processing center or from various regions of the Moon including permanently shadowed craters. For iron-rich asteroids, heated, pressurized CO will turn the iron into volatile carbonyls that will be easily collected and purified. Similar method are applied for the extraction of nickel, cobalt, gold, platinum, rhodium...
With NASA, we are developing rovers able to mine water at vastly reduce cost. Our rovers are also able to mine water and metals (iron, nickel, and precious metals) form asteroids that landed on the Moon.
SpaceTIS develop a range of innovative components for space vehicles and for space and terrestrial applications such as advanced cameras, sensors, telescopes, and other components such as command and data handling systems, power systems, communication systems, control systems, structures …
SpaceTIS has established a GIS and Remote Sensing center. This center also serves as a Control Center for our products and for our customers and partners in Africa, Europe, the US, and the Middle East.
At our center, we offer the following services: 1) Data subscription services where customers can purchase our data including satelli
SpaceTIS has established a GIS and Remote Sensing center. This center also serves as a Control Center for our products and for our customers and partners in Africa, Europe, the US, and the Middle East.
At our center, we offer the following services: 1) Data subscription services where customers can purchase our data including satellites images, or purchase a subscription to our data; 2) Data customization services where our customers can request specific data sets or customize the data they receive to fit their needs ; 3) Data analysis services where customers can request analysis of the data we collect, providing them with valuable insights and information; 4) Data processing services where customers can request processing of the raw data we collect into usable formats for their own analysis and use
SpaceTIS is developing an innovative technology that combines space telescopes and satellites equipped with novel and multiple onboard payloads. This technology is able to collect data over the visible, Near infrared, Medium infrared, and panchromatic wavelengths. It is also able to collect data over the X-band spotlight, the X-band st
SpaceTIS is developing an innovative technology that combines space telescopes and satellites equipped with novel and multiple onboard payloads. This technology is able to collect data over the visible, Near infrared, Medium infrared, and panchromatic wavelengths. It is also able to collect data over the X-band spotlight, the X-band strip map, the dual-band (X/L) strip map, the dual-band (X/L) ScanSar, and the L-band ScanSar.
This cutting-edge technology enables the detection and characterization of space objects, planets, and small bodies. The technology is useful for a variety of applications, including Earth observation, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), and NEO (smaller-sized asteroids and comets) detection and study.
SpaceTIS has independent entities in the US, Europe, Africa, Asia, and in the Middle East. Combining extraordinary teams worldwide, SpaceTIS-global is working on multiple cutting-edge technologies: 1) Innovative and reusable launch system; 2) Innovative space telescope to detect and characterize any object in space including small bodies;
SpaceTIS has independent entities in the US, Europe, Africa, Asia, and in the Middle East. Combining extraordinary teams worldwide, SpaceTIS-global is working on multiple cutting-edge technologies: 1) Innovative and reusable launch system; 2) Innovative space telescope to detect and characterize any object in space including small bodies; 3) Innovative thrusters systems allowing our spacecraft and rockets to use only water as a propellant; 4) Innovative small satellites for Earth and Space; 5) Innovative robotic spacecraft for in-space asteroid mining (mining water and precious metal without excavation); 6) Innovative rover to mine water on the Moon; 7) CubeSat and Small satellites; 8) Innovative UAVs technologies; 9) Gyrocpoter technologies; 10) Communication Satellites; 11) Earth Observation Satellites; 12) Geospatial Information System Technologies, 13) Space Medicine and Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing, 14) Mission Operation and Ground Segment Support
We are collaborating and getting funding primarily from NASA. We are partnering with Florida Space Institute/University of Central Florida and other private companies in the USA
SpaceTIS is a contractor for the US Department of Defense.
SpaceTIS is contracting with numerous agencies that are listed as the US Department of Defense Agencies (including the US Air Force)
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous support will fund our missions.